examCORE Live Online

With BCSP examCORE Live Online, an instructor guides you and other course participants through a series of interactive, online presentations covering the safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) knowledge and skills in BCSP exam blueprints.

examCORE Live Online combines the convenience of BCSP’s examCORE Online option with the face-to-face value of examCORE In-Person. The course is conducted in a virtual format with instruction by a subject matter expert holding BCSP certification.

Note that, to ensure impartiality, BCSP utilizes subject-matter experts for the development of the examCORE program and products who are independent from the certification examination development process.

Benefits of BCSP examCORE Live Online

Access to the Learning Modules and Self-Assessment is granted before the course and for 45 days following the event.

Current Courses

ASP examCORE Live Online
November 4-6, 2024
$1,299 – Space limited
CSP examCORE Live Online
December 2-4, 2024
$1,299 – Space limited


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